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Históricos Alfa Romeo 1.10: Los 6C 2500 (1939 - 1953)

Foreros presentes

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium

Este es un ejemplar bastante inusual. No estoy seguro de si se trata de la berlinetta que presentó Pinin Farina en el Salón de ginebra de 1950.

Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Berlinetta de Pinin Farina (1950)



Salud 8)

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
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Ya es oficial, APT sera orgulloso patrocinador de este precioso Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 SS
del equipo formado por Oriol Vilanova y Daniele Rizza y que participaran este fin de semana
en el I Rally Catalunya-Historic RACC, mucha suerte!!!


Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium

Doctor Hackenbush dijo:
Otra joya que ha encontrado RafaGTA. Gracias. ;)

• 1939/42 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Coloniale al servicio del 'Regio Esercito' italiano durante la II GM.



Fotos proporcionadas por RafaGTA

• 1939/42 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Coloniale del Mariscal de Campo alemán Erwin ‘Wüstenfuchs’ Rommel.

Fue un regalo del Cuartel General italiano a la Wehrmacht, para el famoso ‘Zorro del desierto’, Comandante
del ‘Deutsches Afrika Korps’ del III Reich durante la II GM.










Fotos proporcionadas por RafaGTA

Salud 8)


Salud 8)

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium

Espectacular. :)

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium

Limousina Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Ministeriale de Pininfarina (1951)




Salud 8)

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
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Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Sport Cabriolet Superleggera de Carrozzeria Touring (1942)


Salud 8)

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
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Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 SS Barchetta Competizione EX Martin de Alzaga Unzue 'Macoco' (1949)










Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium








[size=14pt]The ex Martin Macoco de Alzaga Unzue

Until the 1950s cars formed a relatively small part of Alfa Romeo’s business, the company’s main interest being the manufacture of aero engines. Beginning in the late 1920s, however, and largely thanks to the genius of Vittorio Jano, Alfa Romeo won dozens of Grand Prix, ten of the twelve pre-war Mille Miglia races, took Le Mans 24 Hours races four years in a row and the Targa Florio six times consecutively. Alfa Romeo was the outstanding marque of the inter-war period. Post-war, it concentrated on becoming a volume producer, yet it still managed to field its 1938/39 Tipo 158 single seaters and, after a hiccup on their first outing in 1946, they won every Grand Prix they entered until mid-1951, a period of domination without parallel in the history of the sport. Indeed, it was typical of the spirit of Alfa Romeo that it should return to Grand Prix racing while still repairing a factory which had been heavily bombed and while also developing an entirely new design, the 1900, which would begin the process of transforming Alfa Romeo into a mass producer.

While all this was going on, the company resumed production of the 6C 2500 which it had introduced in 1939 and which had appeared in both Sport and Super Sport chassis guise. The Sport’s twin carburettor, 2,443cc engine now produced 90bhp at 4,600rpm while an optional three carburettor version boasted 110bhp at 4,800rpm. All post-war 6C 2500 variants featured independent coil spring suspension all round and specially cooled hydraulic drum brakes, and notably all were right-hand drive with column gear change. This car was the last of the classical Alfa Romeos and while it was first made just after Vittorio Jano had left to join Lancia, it has the fingerprints of that great designer all over it.

According to the AUTOMOBILISMO STORICO Alfa Romeo this car was manufactured and shipped to Montevideo in Uruguay in 1949 and purchased by well known multi-millionaire and racing driver Martin Macoco de Alzaga Unzue, who extensively raced Bugattis, Alfa Romeos and other prestigious cars from the 1920s to the late 1950s in Indianapolis and South America.

We are told, that on his behalf this car, an original 2500 SS Freccia d`Oro was modified – the engine was uprated with a dry sump and increased power output, a modified back axle with leaf springs and shock absorbers was fitted and a stunning new open body commissioned for his racing purposes.

He raced the car in the following years until it was laid up and found some 30 years later by an Argentinean gentleman in restorable condition. He embarked on this task with the aim to race it again in historic motor sport.

In 1991 this car was successfully entered to participate in that year’s Mille Miglia with the start number 118 - driven by the Argentinean gentleman who found and restored the car. Subsequently the car was sold to a private German collection and disappeared for the next 17 years until it was purchased by the present owner.

The car comes with FIA/FIVA- papers and registration documents from Argentina, the aforementioned confirmation about its authenticity from Alfa Romeo Storico and relevant customs documentation about its importation to Germany, amongst other correspondence within the Alfa Romeo 2500 registry.

Having done the most prestigious historic race, the Mille Miglia in 1991, passing its serious scrutineering, this wonderful historic vehicle is surely again a most welcome entrant to the many historic motor sport venues it is eligible for.[/size]

Salud 8)

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
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Salud 8)


Alfista Junior

Estupenda Barchetta! Y las berlinas de los 40 me chiflan, precioso el Ministeriale negro de la página anterior.

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium

Otra pieza poco conocida:

Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 S Cabriolet Biposto de Pinin Farina


Curiosamente, comparte matrícula con este otro:


¿Alguien sabe a que se debe?

Salud 8)


Alfista Junior

Quizá un ejercicio de diseño de Pinin Farina que no cuaja y lo recarroza Touring? Además, tiene pinta que las fechas encajan, parecen de preguerra.



Alfista Junior

En este libro sale en portada, será foto de época?

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium

David dijo:
En este libro sale en portada, será foto de época?


Esa foto está tomada en Brooklands en noviembre de 1938 por Dennis May utilizando la cámara de Louis Klemantaski.


[size=14pt]Franco Cortese & Louis Klemantaski

August 16, 2013 · by KlemColl

It is a foggy morning at Brooklands in November 1938. Franco Cortese, a well-known Italian racing driver, has brought an interesting new Alfa Romeo to England and has asked Louis Klemantaski to look it over. The Alfa is a 6c2500 competition spider. They would both drive the Alfa that morning and Klemantaski would take a number of photographs of this interesting car during their private test session.

Franco Cortese had a 30-year competition history beginning in the late 1920s. He held the record for finishing the Mille Miglia, his career just covering the history of that famous open road race. He was also the first driver to race a Ferrari, at Piacenza in May 1947, and the first to win a race in a Ferrari, at Rome two weeks later. Most of his subsequent races were with Ferrari sports cars.

Some years ago, the late British racing entrant John Coombs discovered this same Alfa Romeo in terrible condition in a garage in Egypt. Coombs, who then resided in Monte Carlo, brought the Alfa back to Europe and had it restored to its original lovely condition.

Photo by Dennis May (using Louis Klemantaski’s camera) ©The Klemantaski Collection[/size]

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
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Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Freccia d’Oro (1949)











The first post-War model from Alfa Romeo, this 1949 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Freccia d’Oro is as beautiful as it is significant. Designed in house by Victor Jano and influenced by the works of Carozzeria Touring, the stunning silhouette and gorgeous green on gold colour combination of this example are utterly entrancing. With its rare factory sunroof, we can think of no finer environment in which to watch the world go by.

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium

Una rareza:

Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 S Cabriolet "Luna di Miele" de Carrozzeria Bertone (1947)


Salud 8)

Doctor Hackenbush

"No te tomes tan en serio. Nadie más lo hace"
Usuario Premium

Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Cabrio de Carrozzeria Ghia



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